What is EMDR?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a proven therapy for alleviating distress from traumatic memories. By guiding clients through specific eye movements or bilateral stimulation while recalling a traumatic event, EMDR helps reprocess and integrate these memories, reducing their emotional impact.

Effective for PTSD, anxiety, depression, and phobias, EMDR addresses the root causes of emotional distress, promoting healing and well-being. At Calm Together, we’re here to support you on your journey with EMDR.

What to expect in an EMDR session

During an EMDR session, you’ll work closely with a trained therapist in a safe and supportive environment. The session typically begins with a discussion about your history and the specific issues you’d like to address. Your therapist will explain the EMDR process and answer any questions you might have.

The core of EMDR involves focusing on a traumatic memory while engaging in bilateral stimulation, such as following the therapist’s hand movements with your eyes or listening to alternating tones. This helps your brain reprocess the memory, reducing its emotional charge and making it less distressing.

Throughout the session, your therapist will guide you, ensuring you feel comfortable and supported. You may experience various emotions as the memory is processed, but your therapist will help you navigate these feelings.

After the session, many people feel a sense of relief and a decrease in the intensity of their traumatic memories. Over multiple sessions, EMDR can help you achieve significant progress and emotional healing.

EMDR has many benefits

  1. Reduces Emotional Distress: Alleviates the intense emotional pain associated with traumatic memories.
  2. Improves Emotional Regulation: Helps individuals manage and control their emotional responses.
  3. Decreases Symptoms of PTSD: Proven to be highly effective in treating post-traumatic stress disorder.
  4. Alleviates Anxiety and Depression: Can significantly reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  5. Addresses Phobias: Effective in treating various phobias and fears.
  6. Enhances Self-Esteem: Helps improve self-worth and confidence.
  7. Improves Sleep Quality: Can lead to better sleep patterns by reducing anxiety and intrusive thoughts.
  8. Promotes Overall Well-being: Supports mental and emotional health, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.
  9. Facilitates Personal Growth: Encourages insight and personal development by processing and integrating past experiences.
  10. Quick and Effective: Often results in faster recovery compared to traditional talk therapies.

What does EMDR treat?

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a versatile therapy effective in treating a wide range of psychological issues. Originally developed to address post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), EMDR has proven beneficial for anxiety, depression, phobias, and panic disorders. It also helps individuals cope with grief, chronic pain, and performance anxiety. By reprocessing distressing memories, EMDR reduces their emotional impact, leading to improved mental health and overall well-being.